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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Holding Firm

I may have written this story at some earlier date, but I think now is the time to offer it up once more. When I was a junior in college, I had a history professor who was also the head of the history department. At that time I thought he was ancient, but looking back I doubt he was the age I am now, and I certainly don’t consider myself ancient. We were discussing some aspect of World War II, and he relayed that he was an intelligence officer in the Army. He said that at the end of hostilities, one of the first questions, if not the first question they asked the defeated German officers, was what was their opinion of the US Army?  I doubt that David concerned himself with any opinion of the defeated Philistines.

Americans are different. We are generous in our treatment of defeated enemies and overly concerned with their opinion of us. (We didn’t want to crush you. You forced us to do it.) Reflect on other victorious nations and see if generous comes to mind. I doubt the Chinese, the French, or the Poles would provide a favorable comment on their Japanese, German, or Russian masters after these invaders exacted their tolls on the populace.  Have you ever spoken to a Carthaginian about their Roman victors? Of course you haven’t. They were all eliminated and the ground was salted. While there are instances of American brutality, it was the outlier, not the policy.

This same concern for a favorable public opinion permeates our everyday life and is used very effectively by the media and politicians on both sides of the aisle. The media and politicians can demonize some of the most obvious truths in life. It becomes a constant drumbeat to force people to believe any point of view or lie they are selling. If they can’t convince you of their way of life, or idea, the next best thing is to embarrass you into silence. Their desire is to make you feel that you are the last person who believes as you do, and that your very thoughts are both backward and wrong; i.e., the wrong side of history.

Don’t believe the hype, the subtlety, and the noise. God is still in charge and the Bible speaks the truth. Their king has no clothes and that lipstick can’t cover that whole pig. There are still a lot of Christians that adamantly hold to the Truth. We need each other now and we need to offer up Church wide prayers for our country. Don’t place your faith in a politician. Place your faith in God.

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