If any Christian has ever required a better example of
“living in the world but not of the world”, the ruling by the Supreme Court
this morning on the rights of homosexual couples to a state sanctioned marriage
is the best example that can be given. The highest court in the land now
condones an act considered as an abomination by God.
Will this decision finally provide an end to the constant
pushing by homosexual ativists? Of course not. The next push will be against Churches that refuse to
perform the marriage of a same-sex couple, or use their building for the
so-called wedding. The aggrieved couple, along with their organizational
backers, will claim their rights are being denied them and will petition the
federal courts to remove the 501 (c)(3) status from the Church, thereby
punishing the congregational members who give to the operation of the Church.
This type of action will also be taken against private adoption agencies that
refuse to work with same-sex couples.
Now, I will be the first to say that the tax status of my
Church does not affect my giving. The Bible does not state anywhere that we are
no longer required to contribute if a tax advantage is sacrificed. I just want
everyone to realize that the worldly government and the government’s functionaries
are not motivated by morality. When our governments seek to limit the inclusion
of Godly wisdom into the laws and activities of the government, then they have
chosen to go their own way, and the Bible and secular history is replete with
examples of nations that willfully jumped into the moral dung-heap and suffered
severely because of it.
I also want to make it perfectly clear, a cute phrase used by a president and usually before he attempted to overly complicate matters, that if two people want to engage in homosexual activities behind their own closed doors, that is their business. It is between them and eventually, God. I just think it is a terrible step to put the government's stamp of approval, and we are part of that government in a republic, on an un-Godly activity.
I also want to make it perfectly clear, a cute phrase used by a president and usually before he attempted to overly complicate matters, that if two people want to engage in homosexual activities behind their own closed doors, that is their business. It is between them and eventually, God. I just think it is a terrible step to put the government's stamp of approval, and we are part of that government in a republic, on an un-Godly activity.
I heard a comment on the afternoon talk radio show the other
day (the Jeff Ward show on KLBJ if you’re interested), and he opined regarding
the recently passed law to protect pastors that Churches, and I am paraphrasing
now, should stick to their business inside the Churches and leave the outside
activities to other agendas or people. I’m afraid the he speaks for an
increasing number of people and their limited understanding of the teachings of
Jesus Christ.
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