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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I''m Blogging Again

Tomorrow, the 16th of November, will mark the one-year anniversary since my last blog. It almost coincides with the one-year anniversary of Donald Trump as President. Although some might jump head long to the conclusion that with Trump as President, I have been in a state of depression, unable to string together a coherent thought. They would be wrong.

While some of it does involve our President, most of my reasons do not. As for Trump, I find it mind-numbing that everyday is basically the same. Trump throws out a tweet (Thankfully, I have no idea how to do that.), the press goes into a state of quixotic blubbering, the Trump supporters circle the wagons and shake their fists toward Washington, and the blue-blood Republicans yearn for a normalcy that kept them from winning elections and having to actually lead. Republican governmental ineptness has been a real shock to my system. I never imagined that being the downtrodden loyal opposition gave them such a warm and fuzzy feeling.

But to get back on track, my real incitement to write these blogs was hindered by work. That’s right, I have a job. At first it was just a part-time gig; seasonal they called it. I work for the IRS (now stop that spitting) and originally it was for about four months per year. Just enough to provide extra money for my cigar habit. I don’t smoke those over-the-counter dog rockets you see in the gas stations, just the good stuff; long-filler and with a nice white ash, from countries where machetes are carried like pocketknives. But then, about eighteen months ago, things got totally out of hand. The four-month little gig turned into six months, and now it’s all the dang time. I’ve had about four weeks off over the last year and a half. I’ve worked so much that I am now eligible for another retirement check! I don’t have time to smoke, much less write.

But all of that is going to change. If the Astros can win the World Series, then I can figure out a schedule to do some blogging. I will start my nagging and finger-pointing next week. 

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