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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Obama Visits A Mosque

President Obama’s final year in office, if today is an indicator, is shaping up to be just as forgettable as the first seven. As the first President to visit a mosque on American soil, he took the occasion to preach about the traditional American and constitutionally mandated values of religious tolerance. In typical Obama fashion he aimed his remarks at the wrong people. (here) Where Muslims are concerned, Americans have bent over backwards to respect the Muslim viewpoint, even after repeated acts of Islamic terrorism aimed at the United States and innocent citizens.

President Obama continues to trumpet the liberal viewpoint that Islam is the religion of peace and that some individuals (I call them Islamic terrorists) have used a few verses of the Qur’an and misinterpreted these verses to support their violent views. If that can possibly be the case, then there are a multitude of Imams in some of the most prestigious mosques who seem to follow those same misinterpretations.

On July 6, 2015, Sheikh Muhammad Abed, known as “ Abu Abdallah,” declared that from “the land of the Prophet’s nocturnal journey”—a reference to Jerusalem—“armies will set out to conquer Rome, to conquer Constantinople,” and then he added to the list “Washington and London.”

In an Oct. 27 address at Al Aqsa, Sheikh Khaled Al-Maghrabi called for the annihilation of the Jews all over the world, providing justification by quoting the well-known hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) of the stone and the tree: “Oh Muslim there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” Earlier at the mosque, on May 29, Sheikh Al-Maghrabi explained why Jews were killed in the Holocaust. “On Passover,” he said, the Jews “would knead the dough for these matzos with children’s blood. When this was discovered, the Israelites were expelled across Europe . . . It got to the point where they were burned in Germany.”

The above-italicized paragraphs were spoken in the Al Aqsa Mosque, the holiest Islamic site outside of Saudi Arabia. (full WSJ article here) President Obama needs to be speaking to these Muslim clerics about tolerance, not Americans. This is what is being preached by the Islamic mainstream, not some small madrassa in the mountains of Afghanistan.

And as a final jab at his detractors, President Obama joked that he was thought to be a Muslim by some and that he was not the first American President to be called a Muslim but that “Jefferson was the first.” It should be noted that Jefferson insisted Muslims be given the same freedom of worship as Christians or Jews to ensure the concept of religious tolerance was all encompassing. (here) It should also be noted that Jefferson knew how to handle thugs and pirates as he proved on the Barbary Coast. President Obama would do well to stop worrying about Jefferson’s religious character and study instead how Jefferson handled threats to the United States.

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